Current players: 17 / 26 | 21 bots
Average player count: 6.3
Current map: de_mirage
Server mod: None
Server location: Saint Petersburg, 66, RU •
Server type: Dedicated
Server status: Inactive
Server OS: Linux
VAC: Secured
Password: No
Rating: 50.0%
Player name | Score | Time on server |
хряк чивапчес | 1 | 01:14:57 |
Курский Press F | 2 | 01:00:32 |
Memphis | 4 | 00:59:23 |
夯大力 | 0 | 00:57:58 |
хачапури по имере | 2 | 00:55:34 |
macsonbtw? | 5 | 00:32:09 |
Монах | 1 | 00:27:16 |
�������� | 2 | 00:21:47 |
タラント・ロキ | 6 | 00:18:05 |
zaharka | 1 | 00:15:09 |
Dayt Tolstiy | 2 | 00:14:13 |
kelbi | 1 | 00:07:36 |
hussing | 0 | 00:07:22 |
Главная мразь юту | 2 | 00:07:03 |
опять в таверну.... | 1 | 00:02:41 |
ChukSuk | 0 | 00:00:05 |
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