Current players: 26 / 128 | 0 bots
Average player count: 25.2
Current map: DM_Lily_Stalkyard
Server mod: Deathmatch
Server type: Dedicated
Server status: Active
Server OS: Linux
VAC: Secured
Password: No
Rating: 50.0%
Player name | Score | Time on server |
Потный Зубр | 0 | 09:56:29 |
Mr_Rombik | 0 | 09:55:19 |
ZvezDen | 0 | 09:53:49 |
ПИОНЕР | 0 | 09:51:59 |
METALLHAMMER | 0 | 09:50:59 |
Kwider-Zaddam | 0 | 09:50:19 |
maryos sniper | 0 | 09:25:49 |
ко4 | 0 | 09:07:59 |
3JIoCHbIU PeRDyH | 0 | 09:06:09 |
NeoTroll | 0 | 09:05:19 |
Рак неудачи | 0 | 08:48:29 |
Justice kid | 0 | 08:35:59 |
tafracan | 0 | 08:34:19 |
Em | 0 | 08:32:49 |
С-Пб 78 RUS | 0 | 08:31:49 |
System Nipel =) | 0 | 08:30:49 |
•?Lainers?• | 0 | 08:29:39 |
оПа бИгИмОт 0_о | 0 | 08:28:09 |
KoZZ_PorNo | 0 | 08:26:39 |
udavka | 0 | 08:25:49 |
Spartanec1488 | 0 | 08:23:49 |
AJIucoHbka | 0 | 08:22:59 |
Ali-Kodom | 0 | 08:21:39 |
Школоло | 0 | 08:20:29 |
R A M | 0 | 08:19:49 |
super bot ;+ | 0 | 05:36:29 |
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