Current players: 26 / 64 | 0 bots
Average player count: 24.2
Current map: dm_sdaf
Server mod: Deathmatch
Server location: Astrakhan, 07, RU •
Server type: Dedicated
Server status: Active
Server OS: Linux
VAC: Secured
Password: No
Rating: 50.0%
Player name | Score | Time on server |
0 | 00:00:05 | |
totenkopf™ | 0 | 08:17:17 |
NaGiBaToR YaRiK | 0 | 08:15:27 |
R.I.C.O.M.M. | 0 | 08:14:17 |
OPS | 0 | 08:12:17 |
Win7dow | 0 | 08:11:17 |
Запильник ;) | 0 | 08:09:17 |
Lexor | 0 | 08:08:47 |
[PN]Mr.PigMANN | 0 | 06:38:47 |
(2)Source | 0 | 04:51:36 |
God_Of_Shadows | 0 | 04:49:56 |
Chuck | 0 | 04:48:06 |
GordonFreman | 0 | 04:46:46 |
Pixpyx | 0 | 04:46:06 |
knife king | 0 | 04:45:26 |
ЮРИЙ БОЙКО | 0 | 04:43:36 |
?НеУдЕрЖиМыЙ? | 0 | 04:41:46 |
борис_бритва | 0 | 04:40:56 |
Em | 0 | 04:39:06 |
SHIKABALA | 0 | 04:36:56 |
!ПСИХ.!.ОПАТ! | 0 | 04:30:56 |
НуБ@s | 0 | 04:09:26 |
super bot ;+ | 0 | 03:35:16 |
Dinamite | 0 | 03:17:36 |
`Zefir4iK[PR] | 0 | 03:14:16 |
NGS MystoganNTS | 0 | 02:29:16 |
NEVALYASHKA(kirill) | 0 | 00:04:06 |
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