Current players: 26 / 64 | 0 bots
Average player count: 27.0
Current map: dm_uptown
Server mod: Deathmatch
Server location: Astrakhan, 07, RU •
Server type: Dedicated
Server status: Active
Server OS: Linux
VAC: Secured
Password: No
Rating: 50.0%
Player name | Score | Time on server |
0 | 02:24:30 | |
0 | 02:24:30 | |
0 | 02:24:30 | |
0 | 02:24:30 | |
0 | 02:24:30 | |
0 | 02:24:30 | |
0 | 02:24:30 | |
0 | 02:24:30 | |
0 | 02:24:30 | |
0 | 00:00:19 | |
hnx2000 | 0 | 02:38:54 |
DrMan | 0 | 02:37:34 |
System Nipel =) | 0 | 02:36:54 |
NeO* no sound | 0 | 02:36:24 |
Jamaiskiy_Leshiy | 0 | 02:23:54 |
*monacos* | 0 | 01:52:44 |
Ронин | 0 | 01:52:04 |
Рак неудачи | 0 | 01:50:54 |
Juba[Baghdad sniper] | 0 | 01:48:44 |
TAALASKI | 0 | 01:46:45 |
Forever Dimon | 0 | 01:44:45 |
Бодя | 0 | 01:43:15 |
сасиска | 0 | 01:41:55 |
6dvcOAl15 | 0 | 01:40:45 |
Black_Jack | 0 | 01:39:45 |
SMOCHI KAKAHY PYPSIK:* | 0 | 01:34:35 |
Dan Johan | 0 | 01:33:55 |
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