Current players: 27 / 64 | 0 bots
Average player count: 26.5
Current map: dm_bgip_a07p
Server mod: Deathmatch
Server location: Astrakhan, 07, RU •
Server type: Dedicated
Server status: Active
Server OS: Linux
VAC: Secured
Password: No
Rating: 50.0%
Player name | Score | Time on server |
Slider | 0 | 02:09:00 |
Kl0_ono_Os@yRUS | 0 | 02:04:50 |
HamEleoN | 0 | 02:00:00 |
3OJIOTKO | 0 | 01:58:00 |
knife king | 0 | 01:56:30 |
BeSpReDeL_007(Валера) | 0 | 01:54:50 |
GradusNick | 0 | 01:54:00 |
Win7dow | 0 | 01:53:20 |
mTw.AMD | LORD>LOLYOU1337 | 0 | 01:52:10 |
Computer | 0 | 01:51:00 |
INF3RNO @ Just Do It | 0 | 01:50:20 |
F0wnd | 0 | 01:48:40 |
AJIucoHbka | 0 | 01:46:40 |
VirusKing | 0 | 01:08:40 |
PrOsTo_DaShA | 0 | 01:07:20 |
Dan Johan | 0 | 01:06:10 |
Jester | 0 | 01:05:00 |
морти | 0 | 01:04:20 |
Качек Антоха | 0 | 01:03:20 |
kribb@home | 0 | 01:02:10 |
Svoy | 0 | 01:01:40 |
diete | 0 | 00:59:40 |
КОНТОРА )) | 0 | 00:58:51 |
The Vigilante | 0 | 00:57:41 |
Ali-Kodom | 0 | 00:49:51 |
SAH4RCOREJ | 0 | 00:48:11 |
SH@DOW _ rus _ | 0 | 00:46:21 |
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