Current players: 15 / 96 | 0 bots
Average player count: 25.0
Current map: dm_the_moon_odyssey
Server mod: Deathmatch
Server location: Astrakhan, 07, RU •
Server type: Dedicated
Server status: Active
Server OS: Linux
VAC: Secured
Password: No
Rating: 50.0%
Player name | Score | Time on server |
0 | 02:30:36 | |
0 | 02:30:36 | |
0 | 02:30:36 | |
0 | 02:30:36 | |
0 | 02:30:36 | |
0 | 02:30:36 | |
0 | 02:30:36 | |
0 | 02:30:36 | |
0 | 02:30:36 | |
0 | 02:30:36 | |
bengik | 0 | 01:55:59 |
_)(_o_)(_o_Jl_ | 0 | 01:53:49 |
B.A.R.T.228™ | 0 | 01:51:39 |
nOt | 0 | 01:50:29 |
??dMyPuK-09d?? | 0 | 01:49:49 |
BeSpReDeL_007(Валера) | 0 | 01:48:49 |
СеДой ПУкаНщИК | 0 | 01:47:39 |
Adminka | 0 | 01:45:59 |
ALEX_MA_i_OR | 0 | 01:45:29 |
_.:L.S.D:.Prizrak:._ ? | 0 | 01:44:29 |
knife king | 0 | 01:43:39 |
Люблю Ленку | 0 | 01:40:59 |
Krzys | 0 | 01:39:19 |
Вагинналий | 0 | 01:38:19 |
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