Current players: 29 / 64 | 0 bots
Average player count: 26.9
Current map: mg_pokemon_adventure_v2
Server mod: MiniGame
Server location: Astrakhan, 07, RU •
Server type: Dedicated
Server status: Active
Server OS: Linux
VAC: Secured
Password: No
Rating: 50.0%
Player name | Score | Time on server |
Joker96 | 0 | 07:42:33 |
,DILDO | 0 | 07:42:03 |
Locke | 0 | 07:24:13 |
Ptitsa88 | 0 | 07:20:53 |
Patron War | 0 | 07:18:43 |
(..R-O-C-K_S-T-A-R..) | 0 | 06:35:33 |
Van DAmmE | 0 | 06:34:33 |
LimO_oN | 0 | 04:06:23 |
-=Angel of Verdena=- | 0 | 04:05:23 |
S1nkH4rdStyle | 0 | 03:36:23 |
tnoriss | 0 | 03:12:13 |
Swompi | 0 | 02:55:33 |
DiCH | 0 | 02:54:13 |
Месси Месси | 0 | 02:52:43 |
BeSpReDeL_007(Валера) | 0 | 02:51:53 |
!!!!!!!каспер!!!!!! | 0 | 02:50:03 |
Murdoc134 | 0 | 02:48:13 |
UB_Lovatic | 0 | 02:46:13 |
дятел | 0 | 02:45:33 |
херобрин | 0 | 02:43:53 |
гилермо | 0 | 02:43:03 |
B.I.S | 0 | 02:41:23 |
кргзаур | 0 | 02:39:23 |
mr. nuclear(Caнька) | 0 | 02:37:33 |
Arlex_rick | 0 | 02:36:13 |
СнROm | 0 | 02:35:33 |
|_|_|@К@+_ | 0 | 02:33:43 |
ВИКУЛЯ | 0 | 02:28:13 |
proxa | 0 | 02:26:23 |
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