Current players: 27 / 64 | 0 bots
Average player count: 27.1
Current map: mg_BrawlStars_multigames_v1
Server mod: MiniGame
Server location: Astrakhan, 07, RU •
Server type: Dedicated
Server status: Active
Server OS: Linux
VAC: Secured
Password: No
Rating: 50.0%
Player name | Score | Time on server |
!ПСИХ.!.ОПАТ! | 0 | 03:51:35 |
n1kel' | 0 | 03:49:55 |
Cra4ySaNtA | 0 | 03:48:15 |
DeBo4Ka|c|DiGLoM | 0 | 03:22:55 |
Men) | 0 | 03:21:15 |
CrazyPanda | 0 | 03:19:35 |
xarys | 0 | 03:17:55 |
mom dont panic this organic | 0 | 03:16:25 |
ivan34657 | 0 | 03:14:55 |
c---------------- | 0 | 03:13:15 |
CuPoTKa | 0 | 03:11:45 |
Bragantino | 0 | 03:10:05 |
smit T wesson | 0 | 01:53:05 |
R.I.C.O.M.M. | 0 | 01:52:15 |
oGGy™ | 0 | 01:50:15 |
P3$#MERG4 | 0 | 01:49:15 |
n1kel' | 0 | 01:47:35 |
?PC | Moha»???Dragon • | 0 | 01:32:05 |
Белый БРАТ | 0 | 01:22:35 |
касперский | 0 | 01:20:55 |
Мистер Питкин | 0 | 01:19:55 |
Мопс | 0 | 01:17:55 |
foxy +_+ | 0 | 01:16:45 |
Spartak - Катяхище | 0 | 01:15:35 |
K O L H O Z N I K | 0 | 01:13:55 |
NeO* no sound | 0 | 01:11:55 |
САЛОУРОНИЛИ | 0 | 01:10:35 |
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