Current players: 21 / 32 | 0 bots
Average player count: 21.0
Current map: ze_LOTR_Mirkwood_v2_5
Server mod: Zombie Escape
Server location: , , RU •
Server type: Dedicated
Server status: Inactive
Server OS: Linux
VAC: Secured
Password: No
Rating: 50.0%
Player name | Score | Time on server |
0 | 105:38:01 | |
0 | 105:38:01 | |
0 | 105:38:01 | |
0 | 105:38:01 | |
0 | 105:38:01 | |
0 | 105:38:01 | |
0 | 105:38:01 | |
0 | 105:38:01 | |
0 | 105:38:01 | |
0 | 105:38:01 | |
Titan RpK | 0 | 00:33:12 |
matvei20032011 | 0 | 00:32:02 |
::escobaro:: | 0 | 00:31:02 |
Kto-Tam ? | 0 | 00:29:42 |
NeveR - | 0 | 00:27:42 |
klassik- 66rus(лёха) | 0 | 00:27:02 |
==ОрЕшЕк== | 0 | 00:26:02 |
7.62мм | 0 | 00:24:32 |
кирилл нагиба | 0 | 00:23:52 |
Уебки | 0 | 00:21:42 |
__ЦОБОЛЬ__ | 0 | 00:12:02 |
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