Current players: 27 / 64 | 0 bots
Average player count: 22.8
Current map: zm_extra_zombie_dust2
Server mod: Zombie Mode
Server location: Astrakhan, 07, RU •
Server type: Dedicated
Server status: Inactive
Server OS: Linux
VAC: Secured
Password: No
Rating: 50.0%
Player name | Score | Time on server |
Ogur4ik | 0 | 05:34:07 |
Sailor moon | 0 | 05:33:17 |
Super_N00b | 0 | 05:31:37 |
Stark | 0 | 05:30:27 |
dorantino | 0 | 05:28:57 |
DiCH | 0 | 05:27:57 |
Dondo TheSuperMan | 0 | 05:26:17 |
CTEH | 0 | 05:24:17 |
1ra1.uco)rvroSS | 0 | 05:22:47 |
mTw.AMD | LORD>LOLYOU1337 | 0 | 05:22:07 |
MERS | 0 | 04:02:08 |
sy4ok | 0 | 03:39:29 |
Caterpillar | 0 | 03:37:59 |
Зулус | 0 | 03:36:59 |
MKk | 0 | 03:35:49 |
smit T wesson | 0 | 03:34:49 |
9 | 0 | 03:33:39 |
ГРОМ(Скоро в арми | 0 | 03:32:59 |
Scorpion Fes Br | 0 | 03:30:59 |
Диверсант | 0 | 03:29:49 |
Обана!!Есть-че??? | 0 | 03:28:39 |
Tarik34rus | 0 | 03:26:49 |
Рамси Сноу | 0 | 03:25:29 |
дятел | 0 | 03:24:09 |
alan br 157 | 0 | 03:23:19 |
Ziggi_play\/ | 0 | 03:21:39 |
яблочко | 0 | 03:19:49 |
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