Current players: 30 / 125 | 0 bots
Average player count: 39.5
Current map: cloud_scprp_v6
Server mod: None
Server location: , , RU •
Server type: Dedicated
Server status: Abandoned
Server OS: Linux
VAC: Un-Secured
Password: No
Rating: 50.0%
Player name | Score | Time on server |
Bebbebbe | 5 | 04:04:17 |
cawa1239 | 13 | 03:53:25 |
Kotik | 2 | 03:48:22 |
KrosFire | 29 | 02:57:50 |
Ringair | 24 | 02:53:20 |
OLEG | 23 | 02:51:06 |
aboba | 0 | 02:43:17 |
Аман | 5 | 02:24:22 |
52HZ | 0 | 02:09:23 |
III | 13 | 01:56:03 |
Стивчитер777 | 18 | 01:42:40 |
proper#BLAZE | 0 | 01:37:42 |
Gank_fo | 2 | 01:31:55 |
dikoobraz04 | 0 | 01:16:27 |
Ռենչ | -1 | 01:08:41 |
bunny man ﷼ | 1 | 01:00:52 |
Kluger Deustcher | 0 | 00:53:12 |
kiryha234 | 7 | 00:48:44 |
venusplayer999 | 1 | 00:47:46 |
Old blood | 3 | 00:32:44 |
Samurai 24/7 | 0 | 00:30:53 |
Glist | 0 | 00:30:19 |
SmAtRiX | 0 | 00:28:26 |
Гулдан Оркович | 0 | 00:13:01 |
Иний | 0 | 00:11:18 |
Vlad228 | 0 | 00:10:27 |
Socker | 0 | 00:10:12 |
Дядя-бобр | 0 | 00:08:43 |
0 | 00:05:06 | |
0 | 00:00:11 |
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