Updating Info

Aaron Goulet's Jadon Community


KFGameInfo_Survival Server


Current players: 20 / 32 | 6 bots

Average player count: 17.5

Current map: ortona

Server mod: None

Server location: , , IT

Server type: Dedicated

Server status: Active

Server OS: Linux

VAC: Secured

Password: No

Rating: 50.0%

Your distance from server: 4432 mi.
Server location: , , IT
Estimated Ping Quality
KFGameInfo_Survival Steam Server Browser
Aaron Goulet's Jadon Community
LIVE Players (Online Now)
20 / 32 | 6 bots
Sak9324 15 00:11:56
Yorkshirepuddingz :D 1 00:01:02
tookai 11 00:11:55
Geaper 31 00:12:00
Ar-Findel 16 00:11:52
DEMOH 31 00:12:00
LatinChamp 27 00:11:45
Jojo la douille 32 00:12:01
:3 15 00:12:03
denis_fortress 1 00:00:59
Jonny 15 00:11:45
jonnyt21 23 00:12:09
Narko 19 00:12:10
Namirets 36 00:12:04
SVETLIY EL 32 00:12:02
Charles McFigus 19 00:12:09
Surge Arrest 14 00:12:10
LIEL112200 11 00:12:07
Call Me Whis 13 00:12:02
[SaPa[N] 34 00:11:48

Server History Log (

Tue, 09 Jul 2024 15:07:10 -0700
name Updated
Aaron Goulet's Jadon Community
game Updated
Sat, 03 Feb 2024 15:05:32 -0800
name Updated
Winter Wonderland CloseD | wda-community
game Updated

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