Updating Info

The Hodor Emporium - Abiotic Factor


KFGameInfo_Survival Server


Current players: 0 / 6 | 0 bots

Average player count: 0.0

Current map:

Server mod: None

Server location: Fremont, CA, US

Server type: Dedicated

Server status: Inactive

Server OS: Windows

VAC: Un-Secured

Password: No

Rating: 50.0%

Your distance from server: 1662 mi.
Server location: Fremont, CA, US
Estimated Ping Quality
KFGameInfo_Survival Steam Server Browser
The Hodor Emporium - Abiotic Factor
Et@BUILDID:0,OWNINGID:90199832381239327,OWNINGNAME:The Hodor Emporium - Abiotic Factor,SESSIONFLAGS:171,Locked_b:true
LIVE Players (Online Now)
0 / 6 | 0 bots
This KFGameInfo_Survival / KFGameInfo_Survival game server is currently empty.

Server History Log (

Tue, 09 Jul 2024 11:07:25 -0700
name Updated
The Hodor Emporium - Abiotic Factor
game Updated
Fri, 03 Nov 2023 08:07:22 -0700
name Updated
The Hodor Emporium [USA/West - Coop]
game Updated
Ground Branch

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