Current players: 9 / 24 | 0 bots
Average player count: 1.9
Current map: c2m5_concert
Server mod: None
Server location: Tokyo, 40, JP •
Server type: Dedicated
Server status: Active
Server OS: Windows
VAC: Secured
Password: No
Rating: 50.0%
Player name | Score | Time on server |
至今无打击 | 110 | 01:06:22 |
Yowai mo | 0 | 00:54:53 |
升离 | 113 | 00:50:00 |
Amaris | 6 | 00:36:03 |
糸樱琉璃 | 0 | 00:23:50 |
空崎日奈の摸你穷 | 63 | 00:16:59 |
沈失失 | 0 | 00:08:40 |
李寻欢 | 0 | 00:07:04 |
自刎归天 | 0 | 00:01:18 |
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